Boost Your SEO with

Unlock the secret weapon for better search visibility with SchemaKit. With a single line of code, SchemaKit automates the entire structured data markup process, so you can grow your traffic and sales.

The SEO Benefits of Schema Markup

Improved Click-Through Rates

Pages with schema markup rank an average of 4 positions higher in search results.

Enhanced Search Visibility

Stand out with eye-catching rich snippets, including star ratings and product prices.

Competitive Advantage

Only 31.3% of websites use schema markup. Get ahead of the curve!

Better Understanding by Search Engines

Help search engines comprehend your content more accurately for better rankings.

Preparation for Voice Search

Increase your chances of being the chosen result for voice queries.

Improved Local SEO

Provide detailed business information directly in search results.

Real-world outcomes of adding schema markup

Rotten Tomatoes

Added structured data to 100,000 unique pages and measured a 25% higher click-through rate for pages enhanced with structured data.

Food Network

Converted 80% of their pages to enable search features, resulting in a 35% increase in visits.


Users spend 1.5x more time on pages with structured data and have a 3.6x higher interaction rate on AMP pages with search features.


Pages that show as rich results in search have an 82% higher click-through rate than non-rich result pages.

Ready to Implement Schema Markup?

Don't miss out on these powerful SEO benefits. Start optimizing your site with SchemaKit today and watch your rankings improve!

Get Started Now